
Spirit & Void

Make room, make room, make room.


by Ann Daramola

I want you to know the power of the living God without the contraption and contradiction of imperial institutions like religion. Voids offer us insights into how our realities take form. This is the heart of Voidtheory: godpower to create...


by Ann Daramola

As we begin, I want to remind you that this isn't the law of attraction or manifestation or anything individualistic like that. This is voidwork. Voidwork is basically replacing the story behind our tangible realities with an intangible story until...


by Ann Daramola

This Voidwork lesson is about words, as most things are, and how we use them to activate our worlds. Remember the first rule of Voidwork: because this universe despises voids, it will always seek to fill them as quickly as...

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