What Worlds We Weave With Words
This Voidwork lesson is about words, as most things are, and how we use them to activate our worlds. Remember the first rule of Voidwork: because this universe despises voids, it will always seek to fill them as quickly as possible. Whether we realize it or not, we use words to make, shape, and fill voids. Words are the conduit between the metaphysical (spirit) and the physical. Words help us to give shape to things (thoughts, dreams, visions, imaginations, theories, theses, etc) that otherwise don't have form in this realm. The spirit realm, closely intertwined with this one, is vibrating and oscillating to a set of rules that the physical realm amplifies. Again, there's nothing magical or religious about this. A thing of spirit is merely something that does not have a tangible form. Dassit. In fact, if you stay still and quiet long enough, you'll hear and see the intangible things of this world going about their business. But that's another lesson. Let's get back to words.
Now I want to diverge a little bit into the shape of words. I'm writing this in English and the English alphabet–and every other alphabet–is a set of shapes and images that we have codified as representations of the English language. We call these shapes letters, but they are really shapes or images. A set of letters becomes a word and a set of words becomes a sentence and so on. It's the same with any other human language. Humans decided on a set of images to represent a set of sounds, and a set of sounds to become a common conduit between our intangible thoughts and our tangible world. Does that make sense? As an exercise, find any printed text in a language you can read and comprehend, turn it upside down, and watch how meaning just flees from it. Deprived of meaning, your brain will work overtime to flip the images in your mind to create a form it recognizes. That is the void filling itself. Do you see how a deliberate voidmaking is followed by a swift voidfilling? That's the power of words, which are just a collection of images that humans gave meaning.
So now that you see a connection between the images we write, the sounds we speak, and intangible worlds, let's talk about how we use words as conduits between them all. We've all heard of the concept of inner thoughts, right? The unvoiced script that each of us have running in our minds as we go about our lives. Those inner thoughts go unnoticed, but, again, if you stay present long enough in a moment, you will be able to hear your inner thoughts just as clearly as if you were having a conversation with someone else. Many of us, in obedience to the unspoken rules of society, have learned to filter those thoughts, while others haven't, and still others deliberately unfilter their thoughts to achieve maximum chaos. The point is, most people have dialogue running in their minds that shapes how they view the world around them and how they perceive themselves within the world.
When we are deliberate with our internal dialogue, shaping those unconscious words, we are able to reshape the way we view the world and the way we perceive ourselves within the world. Likewise, when we are not deliberate with that dialogue, we internalize words (aka images, sounds) from the world that, in turn, shape the way we view the world and the way we perceive ourselves within the world. Words (aka images, sounds) have a powerful effect on our spirits, minds, and bodies.
This is not just a "you are what you think" conversation. This is a powerful ability to reshape the images that you project and receive by reshaping the words that are inside you. I know you've heard the stories of people who just would not accept one reality or another and accomplished something extraordinary by setting their minds to it, or something like that. What does that process actually look like, though? It's a matter of taking one set of images (aka words) and replacing it with another, over and over again, shielding your words from those that don't agree, until what you see matches what you've been saying. This is Voidwork.
I remember when the #BlackOutDay first trended on twitter. Black folx from all over the world were posting selfies of themselves in a radical action of affirmation and humanity. I remember watching the trend closely, as this was something that I had hypothesized years ago in a question: what would happen when the internet created a critical mass of images of Black people? Would our sense of self change? How? I got my answer in this tweet: https://twitter.com/lunarnomad/status/574020750132125697"This #BlackOutDay was so needed. It feels so good to feel normal, even for a little bit," @lunarnomad wrote. By filling the void of Black images with Black images, we had created a new normal. That is Voidwork. (Shoutout to the archive wow!)
So what I'm saying is that at a radical level, words and images are the same thing. When we use words to take things out of spirit (intangible) and to shape the images of what we want to see in our physical realities, we are creating voids in this physical realm that, by law, must fill. When you amplify those words (aka, images), you amplify the void, and the urgency with which it must be filled.
Prayer, which is the act of using words to define a world, request, or need, is the most widely used way to create and amplify voids. The work of prayer is a work of imagination, of going to the spirit (intangible) and creating the images of what we are asking, whether it be healing, justice, revenge, money, or some kind of solution to a problem. The thing is, it's not enough to stop and the defining of the image. You must respond as if the image as been filled before it is filled, further amplifying the void. We call this faith.
This gets a little tricky, though, because there is an immeasurable amount of prayers that have gone unanswered, of voids that have remained unfilled. And I wish that could give you Voidwork as a reason, but the truth is I don't know what happens to those prayers. My hunch is that either those voids were filled with something else, that the people gave up, that other voids were at work, that there weren't enough people holding the void, or that they remained unfilled because this world is messed up like that.
Again, this is not magic. This is nature doing what it does and I challenge you to do the Voidwork in your own life. Pay attention to the words and images that surround you and that are inside of you and see if they match up to the voids that you're creating. Hold the void until the things that fit it shape find their way to it. Don't settle for some approximate image that's not the right size or shape and try to stuff it in there. Hold the void. Remember the images (words) that you want and amplify them until their tangible forms find you.
And remember: the void will always fill, and you are surrounded by love.