
Spirit & Void

Make room, make room, make room.

How to Create and Enter Voids


by Ann Daramola

This is Voidwork

As we begin, I want to remind you that this isn't the law of attraction or manifestation or anything individualistic like that. This is voidwork. Voidwork is basically replacing the story behind our tangible realities with an intangible story until they become the same. It's looking at a tangible thing and looking beyond into what it can be, calling it forth from the intangible realm and into this realm.

Voidwork is critical because if we can't imagine better worlds for ourselves, we are doomed to this one. Voidwork requires other people to sustain itself, people to hold Voidworkers accountable to the stories they're calling forth, and people to dream up these glorious (and not so glorious) worlds.

I've found that things like the law of attraction and the secret and even sometimes visionboarding are solo exercises that don't lend themselves to the communal task of worldbuilding. Voidwork is not that. When we've created our voids with images and words, we'll need to amplify in community by using each others images and words in our own work. Voidwork cannot sustain without the people. Get comfy and let's get into it with practicing Voidwork by creating and entering voids.

A void is basically the noticeable absence of a thing, person, sensation, or idea. so let's start by voiding our sight by closing our eyes for 30 seconds.

When you do, make sure to pay attention to what's going on behind your eyelids. Ready? Okay, go.

The Void of Sight

Now, we close our eyes often throughout our lifetimes, but we rarely pay attention to what happens in the moments our eyes are closed. Voidwork is a conscious act of creating emptiness by destroying input. It is conscious because you are doing this on purpose, with purpose, and for a purpose. This means that there is an expectation of feedback.

So, what did you 'see' in the void of vision? If you're like me, you spend an egregious amount of time in front of screens, closing your eyes only to sleep. But when you shut off the input of physical sight from your mind/spirit, your brain will work overtime to fill that void. Voidwork is paying attention to that.

Remember the rule of Voidwork: the void will always fill, and often swiftly. Closing your eyes on purpose, with purpose, and for a purpose, will instantly tune you in to the ambient sounds of wherever you are. I first did this in a park near the offices I worked. There were birds chattering, fountains flowing, cars, planes, and people moving all around me. It took several tries over several sessions to be able to experience the void of sight without being distracted by the things that immediately filled my perception.

Practice voiding your vision at different times of the day to find out what gives you the best insight. record what you 'see' somewhere, and check back often.

The Void of Movement

Let's make another void! This time we will do the void of movement. wherever you are, if you are able to, keep absolutely still for 30 seconds. And pay attention to what happens to you, inside of you, and around you. You can create other voids by sitting in silence, sitting still in silence, and sitting still in silence with your eyes closed, all the while paying attention to where your mind goes. Layer on the voids of senses to amplify your voids.

The Void of Relationshps

You can also create voids with relationships. This kind of Voidwork is the setting of boundaries to clear space for different people or better things and outcomes from the relationship. Lots of tomes have been written about boundaries, but in the context of Voidwork those boundaries form an edge around the void, and you are right there in the middle, holding and enforcing it, gatekeeping the kinds of interactions you have with the people in your life until you are left with the shape of something you desire. Be careful doing this! It will surprise you.

Learn More

There are many other ways to make and enter voids, and if you want to learn about more of them, head to the worksheets section and download the voidmaking guide to get started.

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