This is Voidwork
Spirit & Void is the home of Voidwork, Voidtheory, and Emiitan, three powerful frameworks created by Ann Daramola for uncovering the power of the living God in our lives without the contraption and contradiction of imperial institutions.
Voidwork is the application of Voidtheory, a theory which states that:
- All nature, super and otherwise, abhors emptiness and,
- As a result, will seek to fill any void with the nearest source of matter or energy,
- Unless held back by a force.
This statement is deceptively simple, yet universally and intuitively understood by all cosmic beings, including you, me, this earth, everything in it, and the great mystery we call outerspace. The void is everywhere, which means this theory is everywhere, too.
Voidwork, then, is the act of making room by:
- expanding borders or boundaries, thus creating new, unfilled spaces,
- emptying spaces, thus creating new spaces within old spaces, and
- contructing borders/boundaries to define new, empty spaces.
Because of Voidtheory, our work is not to fill the void. Voids will always be filled. Instead, our work is to tend to them, to hold them, making room for what is inevitable, what they will be filled by, and what worlds we desire.
Next, Emiitan, which translates to "spirit story" in Yoruba, is the set of tools we use to make room. An emiitan (plural: emiitan) is anything we use to tell the stories of the worlds in which we exist and the worlds we want to live in. Emiitan are the bridges between voidwork with spiritwork, allowing us share and amplify these stories with our communities, our families, and even different versions ourselves.
Neither Voidwork, Voidtheory, nor Emiitan are magical or even miraculous. They are apprehendable mysteries of the world we share, both natural and supernatural. I hope that by sharing my understanding of The Void and its attributes we can dismantle the tools and conditions of oppression and suffering that are maintained by the current order of the world and its institutions including religion, churches, governments, and other structures of knowing and being that steal, kill, and destroy our humanities.
I hope that by entering The Void, we can see God.
Welcome to Spirit and Void.